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ASC School Finance Controller Crack Free


ASC School Finance Controller Crack+ Download [Mac/Win] Features 1) Automatic Insert of Fees in the Receivable Section of Students and staff Accounts. 2) Templates of Fee Chart of Students and Staff Accounts. 3) Cost of money module, where user can track the cost of money used in school. 4) Flexible fee collection module, where user can set 1st to 15th for fee collection period in date wise. 5) Allowances module where user can set monthly allowances for staff. User can set Salaries & Allowances for Staff, Salaries & Allowances for Students and Salaries & Allowances for Administrators. Salaries & Allowances of Administrators can be defined as Deduct Absent or Full Pay. 6) Salary Schedule module to define monthly allowances for staff, user can set salary amount for every month. 7) Payroll module to define salary of staff, user can enter salary of different staff every month, for example- Headmaster, Vice Principal, Vice Teacher, teacher, Pre Principal, Principal. 8) Loan module, where user can set different Loans to different staff and make a note on Loan for each staff and also user can track Loan disbursed and retrieved. 9) Bank Challan for Students allows user to print the Challan form for students. 10) Flexible management of loan, allows user to add different amount for different Staff, at any time if User is not able to pay back loan. 11) Book keeping module, user can add other fees like Postage, Processing, Receipts, Tolls, etc. for students and staff accounts. 12) Statistics module, user can set staff attendance, number of parents visited by school and child to school ratio. 13) Reports module to print the reports. ASC School Finance Controller Activation Code Installation: 1) Unzip file to local system. 2) Run School finance controller. 3) Click on File > Open Bank > Select the database of school. 4) Run Bank challan report. 5) Update your school database with the changes in your School finance Controller. ASC School Finance Controller User Guide: 1) Click on File > Open Database. 2) Select the database of school. 3) Click on File > Open School. 4) Click on File > Open User. 5) Click on File > Open Student. 6) Click on File > Open Staff. 7) Click on File > Open Management. 8) Click on File > Open Salaries. ASC School Finance Controller Crack+ 1a423ce670 ASC School Finance Controller License Key Full 1. Integrate Functions for e-finance 2. Fully support MICROSOFT VISIO C++Builder 6.0 3. Supports MSACCESS, MSDE 4. Fully support more than 5 databases, such as MSAccess, MSSQL, FireBird, Pervasive, Oracle 5. Supports multiple languages, such as English, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Spanish, Portuguese, French and German 6. Easy to use and interface 7. Supports all LAN modes, including PPP/SLIP/PPP and L2TP/IPsec/PPP 8. Supports serial port, i/o port and TCP/IP port 9. Supports RealTime printing for Billing Invoices, Fees Receivable 10. Supports Serial Accounting Interface (SAI) 11. Support Cross-platform system, support Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 Accounting Software is designed to ensure that: Accounting System Requirements: 1. Easy to use and interface 2. Fully support MICROSOFT VISIO C++Builder 6.0 3. Supports MSACCESS, MSDE 4. Fully support more than 5 databases, such as MSAccess, MSSQL, FireBird, Pervasive, Oracle 5. Supports multiple languages, such as English, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Spanish, Portuguese, French and German 6. Easy to use and interface 7. Supports all LAN modes, including PPP/SLIP/PPP and L2TP/IPsec/PPP 8. Supports serial port, i/o port and TCP/IP port 9. Supports RealTime printing for Billing Invoices, Fees Receivable 10. Supports Serial Accounting Interface (SAI) 11. Support Cross-platform system, support Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 12. Interface between the system and accounts: 1. User can enter data directly in accounts 2. User can enter data and export accounts to MS Access 3. User can enter data into an Excel workbook and export to accounts 4. User can enter data into an ACCESS database and export to accounts 5. User can enter data into files and export to accounts 6. User can print accounts to files or create PDF files from accounts SCHOOLFIN What's New In ASC School Finance Controller? System Requirements For ASC School Finance Controller: Minimum: Requires a 64-bit OS OS X 10.8 or later MacBook Pro 3,1,2, or later MacBook Air 1,1, or later Mac mini 1,1, or later Mac mini with Retina display 1,1, or later Mac Pro 4,1,5, or later Xeon Processor E5 2.5 GHz or faster Mac OS X 10.6 or later Mac OS X Server 10.6 or later Mac OS X

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